My 20th birthday just passed by just like that. I didn't even feel it..
anyways... one of the best gift that I got for my birthday is this...

I think this is heaven's gift to me. ~kekekeke...
"Sun Ho oppa, did you also see this one? it's so beatiful isn't it?"
This was taken last december 01. but my birthday is on december 02. an advance gift maybe?
Enough with this.. I saw on one of my post its that i have a very sad sentiment to my self...

(my pic is on the background?! gudge didn't notice that...)
Hay.. I hope I do change my attitude already, I'm getting lazier day by day...
To cap off my day, I always listen to my iPod.

Let's see who's in it....

Lol! it's Sun Ho oppa!!! can't get off him... hay...
I hope I can meet you one day oppa.. anyways, oppa! I made a fanfic for you. So far, my classmates liked it. I hope you can read it sometimes....
Till here.... :)
