It's January 01, 2009 today...
Last night, my family and I joined our relatives in Antipolo to welcome the New Year.
Sadly, it rained.. boo hoo... stupid rain...
Anyways.. I had fun last night.. do I really had fun last night???
Last night, actually, I became tipsy.. Heck! I was so boastful pa that So-Ju will no make me tipsy that night. But after finishing half a bottle, I suddenly felt that light headedness... Deep inside of me, I was panicking already.. thoughts like "How am I suppose to stand upright?!" "Do I have to sleep already?!" or "Will I vomit?!" Damn.. that was the first time I became drunk... and that will not happen again.. not in the near future...
Anyways... (I Know! I'm fond of using "Anyways" as a transitional word.. don't mind it.. Jebal?) I'm having a slumber party now at my tita's house in Paranaque with my cousins with the special mention of my balikbayan cousin Marie Toni.. I'm having a blast right now...
Till here!! Oppa! Happy New Year! *hugs and kisses Andy*