Chapter 1.
It was a cool breezy autumn morning in suburban Seoul. The Lee family is already busy as they beat the morning rush. Mrs. Lee, a woman in her early 50’s, is pretty occupied preparing the breakfast while Mr. Lee, also in his early 50’s, is busy sipping his cup of coffee. In one of the bedrooms, a man is in his deep slumber. The man is in his late 20’s. Although healthy, he looks a bit stressed. His face has a feminine touch in it. You could easily mistake him for a girl if not for his school boy haircut.
“Sun Ho! Get up now. It’s already 7:00. You still have your musical practice at 8:30. Or do you want me to call you on your stage name?! ANDY!!!” shouts Mrs. Lee.
Andy suddenly wakes up because of his mom’s military style voice. His beautiful set of brown eyes shines like the morning sun. He looks at his bedside clock. “It’s already 7:00?! Arrgh.. Time to get up.” Andy jumps out of his bed and stretches his arms, trying to fight the urge to sleep again.
He goes to the bathroom and washes his face. He then looks at the mirror “Andy, Andy, Andy. You’re so cute!” He then strikes a manly pose and heart sign. (The heart sign is done when the hands are formed into a heart. A very popular sign in South Korea.)
Andy Lee. Korean name: Lee Sun Ho. He is a 28 year old member of the top Korean group Shinhwa. He is oftenly called the “Baby Bear” of his hyungs (older members, it is the same with the word “Kuya” in Filipino but hyung is used only by boys.) because he is the youngest in the group. But now, he can prove that he is no longer a baby and is manlier now. He can also prove to his hyungs that he is no longer dependent to them. Nowadays, he busies himself with musicals and concerts.
He stares in the mirror again. But this time, sadness lingers in his eyes.”I already got everything a man dreams of. Money admiration from girls, fame, and even good looks too. But why am I not happy?”
He left the bathroom and goes straight to his computer. He logs on to the internet. He went to, a forum site dedicated to Shinhwa. He logs on with the username “Andy’s_angel”. He then enters one of the discussion board, as if looking for something. Finally, he found what he is looking for, a profile of a fan with the fan’s picture. The username of the fan is “Sunho’s_angel”. He looks at the picture with utmost admiration. Then suddenly, while staring at the picture, he remembers something.
At the 10th anniversary concert of Shinhwa, amidst the sea of orange balloons and screaming fans (Orange is the color for Shinhwa in S.Korea. It also symbolizes their fan club, the Shinhwa Changjo) shouting their hearts out, is a girl that stands out the most for him. Then, their eyes met. It is as if time moves slowly for the two of them. For him, he felt an instant intense connection between him and her. Days after the concert, he began his search for this girl. He searched every Shinhwa fan sites, and there, at, he found what he is looking for, complete with all the information he needs.
Andy smiled while reminiscing. He then looks again at the picture and begins to converse with it, as if that fan is just in front of him. “Will I ever see you again?”
Chapter 2.
Leslie is busy fixing herself up in front of the mirror. She is trying the new style she saw in the magazine. It’s a complicated one, with braids all around her head. After so many trial and errors, she opted to just tie her hair up in a pony tail. She looked at the mirror again then pouts her lips, as if she is trying to flirt with someone. But as she is looking in the mirror, she was stunned as she saw what her room looks like. Piles of clean clothes were all over the place. Her study table is totally disorganized too, as if a tornado passed by her room. Her room is a total M-E-S-S!
But, there is one part of her room that is so neat and tidy. You will not see any traces of dirt, trash or disarray the other parts of the room has. It is her Shinhwa shrine. Her shrine is actually just another study table. In the top shelf, all her Shinhwa DVDs and CDs are there including the solo albums and concerts of each member. At the table itself, 9 framed pictures of the group stand firmly. There is also a corkboard where other members; Shin Hye Sung, Lee Min Woo, Jun Jin, Kim Dong Wan, and Eric Mun’s picture where pinned up in a collage form along with some of their group pics. At her
bedside table, there is a framed image of Andy Lee sitting quietly there.
Yes. Leslie is a Shinhwa Changjo. She has all sorts of merchandise Shinhwa can offer. From CDs to DVDs to perfumes to underwears. Name it, she got it. She even went in Seoul to watch Shinhwa’s 10th anniversary concert.
Leslie Agatha Sy Manuel. A 20 year old fresh graduate from De La Salle University. She has a fair complexion and chinky eyes due to her Chinese ancestry. Her hair is in medium length and is burgundy colored with baby bangs. She is tall, about 5’6 in height.
She is a Taekwondo black belter and has won many awards. She has a positive outlook in life that she believes everything happens for a reason.
Leslie is from a well-off family. The advertising company that she currently works on is her family owned company. But even though they are well off, her family taught her the value of money and when just to spend it.
She is an only child.
Leslie walked towards her closet, opened it up and stares at it. “What am I going to wear today? Hmmm.. this one?” She pulled out a black and white checkered mini skirt and a white turtle neck sleeveless top. She then goes back in front of the mirror. “I like this one.” Then she wear the clothes she chose. She then chooses what kind of shoes to pair in her ensemble. “The red one? The blue one? Or the White one? Ah! The black one!” She then picks up the black pumps with ribbon and wears it.
She pose again in the mirror. Then she turned to the picture of Andy in her bedside table.
“Andy Oppa! Do I look cute??” She pouted her lips again.
(Oppa is a term use by girls to call their boyfriends or sweeties. But Oppa is really used by a girl to address older guys, just like when guys used hyung to address guys older than them.)
Leslie looks at her wall clock and was shocked to see that it is already past 8:00. She will be late. “Damn! I’m really dead!”
She hurriedly her room and was running down the stairs when her mom called her.
“Leslie, have your breakfast first.”
“No mom just packed it for me. Dad is going to kill me if I don’t arrive on time”
Mrs. Manuel, a woman in her middle 40’s, then proceeded to the kitchen to packed her daughter’s breakfast. She hurriedly goes back to the living room to give Leslie her breakfast.
“Anak, drive safely ok?!” Mrs. Manuel hands over the paper bag.
“I will mom. Is this masarap mom?”
Mrs. Manuel laughs. “Of course my dear! I’ve prepared it with tender loving care.”
“Ganun?! Ok, I will go now mom. See you later mom. Cook a delicious dinner for us mom, ok?!”
“I will my dear.”
Leslie then runs through the doorway to her black Toyota Altis car. As she starts her car, she suddenly bit her tongue. A sign that at that very moment, someone is thinking about her.
“Who could that be?”
She then drove to her work.
Chapter 3.
The director of the musical is standing at the stage. He looks a bit happy with a hint of sadness. Andy is sitting quietly at the stage. He is reading his lines.
“Guys. This is our last performance night. Let’s give our all here. Fighting!”
“Fighting!” the casts responds.
The musical starts. Andy is performing in the stage enthusiastically.
“I wish she was here”
After the musical, the casts then went to the party specially prepared for them. Andy is busy stuffing himself with loads of foods when the director and one of his cast mates went to him.
“Andy! Your acting is good a while ago. You’ve improved so much!” the director said.
“Yah! Andy! Are you in love?! It seems that you have an inspiration. You’re getting good.” His cast mate said.
“Uhm.. Should I tell them that I’m in love with a girl from another country? I will look ridiculous and pathetic at the same time. No. I’m not in love! But I admit I’m inspired.” Andy said while eating.
“Then who’s the lucky girl?”
“Should I tell? She’s not Korean.”Andy then looks at his watch.
“I better go. It’s already late. See you guys again”
“Bye Andy!” his cast mate and director said.
Andy waves goodbye to all the casts and production staffs at the hall.
“She must be online right now. I need to go home fast.”
Andy hurriedly drove back to his home.
When he gets back to his home, he found his mother in the sofa, reading a novel.
“Omma, (Korean term for mother) I’m home”
“Oh you’re home. Have you eaten your dinner?”
“Yes omma”
“Go sleep then. I know you’re tired.”
“Yes omma. Good night.”
“Good night dear.”
Andy then goes up to his room.
“I hope she’s online now…”
Andy goes straight to his computer, and checks out the Shinhwa Philippines website.
He then checks if his “angel” is online. And if luck has it, she is online at that very moment.
moca_hanzel: hey rachelle, have you visit AnBi forums lately?
sydney0428: yup. Too bad they are not a couple now. sad.gif I miss their chemistry on-screen.
sunho’s angel: lol! I was too elated when I found out that they are leaving “We Got Married”. Lol. smile.gif
sunho’s angel: I don’t like Solbi!!! I’m not an AnBi fan!!
moca hanzel: Why don’t you like Solbi, Leslie?
sunho’s angel: because she makes Andy’s life miserable. Hey angelie, why do you like Solbi?
moca hanzel: because she’s beautiful? Lol.
Sydney0428: yup! And she takes care of Andy.
Andys’ angel: hello there…
Moca_hanzel: hello…
Sydney0428: hey a newbie.. and it looks like she’s an Andy fan too…
Sunho’s angel: lol… we have the same username.
Andy laughs as he reads the messages. “They think I’m a girl!”
Andy’s angel: actually… I’m not a girl. I’m a guy.
Sydney0428: uh oh.. sorry…
Andy’s angel: that’s ok…
Moca_hanzel: What’s your name?
Sydney0428: Yup.. we want to know.
“They want to know my real name. What to do. What to do.” Andy looks at the ceiling as if he is going to find his answers there. He then thinks of a good name.
Andy’s angel: I’m Andrew. Andrew Kim.
Sunho’s angel: Oh! You’re Korean? I’m Leslie. I’m Andy’s baby angel.
Sydney0428: You can call me Rachelle, Andy’s selfish bully angel.
Andy’s angel: lol. Hahahaha! Yes I’m Korean.
Moca hanzel: How did you know Shinhwa? I’m Angelie btw. Andy’s treat angel.
Andy’s angel: Hmmm… I’ve known them for about 10 yrs now.
Sunho’s angel: So Andrew… are you an AnBi fan? *hoping he is not*
Andy’s angel: Actually I’m not an AnBi fan. I found their relationship too scripted.
Sunho’s angel: Yay! I found an ally.. *hugs Andrew*
“Leslie hugs me!!” Andy thinks happily.
Sunho’s angel: Guys got to go. I need too sleep because we still have work tomorrow girls. See you tomorrow.. Bye!
Moca_hanzel: Bye Leslie!
Sydney0428: Good nyt! Sweet Andy dreams!!!
Andy’s angel: I need to go too… It’s getting late. Bye girls!
Sydney0428: Bye Andrew
Moca hanzel: Nyt!
Andy then logs off the site. He is still smiling because of the fact that he got a chance to chat with Leslie. His “angel”.
“Leslie” he said to himself.
Andy then falls to sleep with a smile on his face.
From that day, Leslie and Andrew started chatting on YM. They found out that they have a lot of things in common. From foods to favorite colours to their views in life. They become so close that they agree to have an online relationship. But they also both agree not to reveal what they look like until the time that they both want to see each other.
Chapter 4.
Leslie is busy sorting out the pictures from her Fujifilm finepix camera in her desk when suddenly she is disturbed by Rachelle and Angelie.
“Hey! Leslie! Your birthday is on next week. Where are you going to treat us, huh? Rachelle asks.
“Yah! Better treat us to a good restaurant or else, will try to steal Andy from you!” Angelie said while pinching Leslie’s cheeks.
Leslie is the youngest among the three of them, hence the codename of Baby angel.
“I’m going to treat you to a nice dinner. But I’m still waiting for dad’s money.” Leslie then bursts into laughing.
The three friends are busy talking to each other when Leslie hears her dad’s secretary calling her.
“Leslie. Your dad wants to see you in his office.”
“Now?!” Leslie answers annoyingly.
“Okay. Tell dad I’ll be there in a minute. Is he giving me my gift now? Hehehe… guys, I’ll leave you first”
Leslie then goes to her dad’s office. As she is walking the aisles, she is thinking what could be the reason why her father asks for her.
Leslie knocks on the door. “Dad. It’s me.”
“Come in”
Leslie enters her dad’s office.
“What is it dad?”
“Your birthday is on next week. Want to go to Hong Kong Disneyland?”
“Dad! Are you kidding me?!” Leslie asks with much enthusiasm.
“Of course not!” his dad quickly responded. “I know you’ve been dying to go there so I’m giving it to you as your birthday gift.”
“Really?! Thanks dad!” Leslie then hugs her dad.
“Weee!! I’m going to Disneyland!!!!”
Leslie goes back to her desks. She then checks Shinhwa Philippines.
“Andrew’s online now. Thank god I have someone to talk too.”
Sunho’s angel: Hello Andrew! *waves*
Meanwhile, In Korea, Andy is surprised to see that Leslie just send a message to him in the Shout box.
“My angel…” Andy said to himself.
Andy’s angel: Hello Leslie.. can we talk to YM instead?
Sunho’s angel: Yeah sure.
They shift to Yahoo Messenger.
Leslie: I’m going to Disneyland next week!!
Andrew: Really?! Can I come? Lol.
Leslie: Sure why not. Hahahaha! laugh.gif
Andrew: So Leslie, why do you like Andy so much? Is it because he is handsome?
“hahahahaha! I’m really handsome..”
Leslie: I like him because we are alike in some ways.. we are both dorks. And we both laugh just because of simple matters. Are you jealous?
Andrew: Me? Jealous? Hell no! I’m much more handsome compared to him.
Andrew: When are you going to Disneyland? I’m also going there.
“Uh oh.. I’m lying!”
Leslie: I’m going there next week.
With that, Andy thinks if he is going there too… he then decides to go there.
Andrew: I’m also going there next week.
Leslie: hope to see you there. It’s my dad’s birthday gift to me.
Andrew: It’s your birthday? Advance happy birthday then.
Leslie: Thank you. I’m hoping that I could bump to Andy there. Lol. tongue.gif
“Well actually, I’m not hoping.. I’m wishing” Leslie smirks.
Andrew: Maybe you would…
“I’ll make it a point that you will.” Andy smiles with a devilish grin.
Leslie: I really like him. No.. I really love him! Andy oppa! I love you! wub.gif
Andy then began to feel excited. “Leslie said “I Love You” to me! I love you too!”
Leslie: I need to go Andrew. I still have many things to do. Bye bye!
Andrew: Bye…
Leslie then goes back to her work.
Chapter 5.
Leslie finally arrived at Hong Kong. She is so giddy as a kid as she walks the floors of the airport. “I’m going to Disneyland!! Disneyland, here I come!”
Leslie is busy looking for her lists of activities at her diary slash planner.
“Disneyland.. Shopping… hmm… what else do I want to do?”
As Leslie is tied up looking to her planner, a man suddenly bumps into her. Their planner fell down at the floor.
“Ouch!” Leslie reacted as she was surprised.
“I’m so sorry. I’m in a hurry.” The man apologizes and picks up the planners then gives one to her.
The man hurriedly left the scene.
“What an arrogant man!” Leslie upsettingly mumbles to herself.
“Now… where was I…” She looks to her planner. But when she opened the planner, she was surprised to see that the contents are different.
“Huh?! This is not mine!” she closes the planner with utmost force.
“My planner is lost!”
Leslie tries to find the man but she can’t even recognize what the man looks like.
“It’s hopeless…” Leslie utters to herself.
She then tries to look at the contents of the planner to see if he can contact the man so she can get her planner back.
She flips through the pages. “It’s all written in Korean. I can’t understand it. This is hopeless.”
Leslie upsettingly leaves the airport.
At the hotel, Leslie tries to compose herself.
“Leslie. You need to be happy! It’s your birthday.” She said to herself.
“My precious planner is lost…”
“I’ll just go shopping so I can be happy.” Leslie tries to uplift her mood.
Leslie then goes shopping in Hong Kong’s Central district. She is having a great time, having forgotten the planner incident earlier. She is also busy taking pictures of people. But, she suddenly feels that someone is watching her.
“Who could that be…”
She tries to find who it is but to no avail.
“Maybe it’s just my imagination”
She then continues her shopping spree.
Leslie also bought gifts for her family and friends. She bought her dad a polo shirt and her mom a cute cat figurine. For Rachelle and Angelie, she bought friendship bracelets.
She went back to her hotel tired as a dog. As she lied down to her bed, sleep slowly creeps to her. And minutes later, she was already asleep.
The next day, Leslie is so busy preparing to go to Disneyland.
“I’m finally going to Disneyland!” Leslie shrieks.
Leslie’s journey to Disneyland is an eventful one. She enjoys looking at the sceneries and taking photos of people in the bus she is riding.
When Leslie arrived at Disneyland, she can’t prevent herself to show her amazement.
“Finally! I’m at Disneyland…”
Leslie is enjoying her day at Disneyland. She tries all the attractions Disneyland can offer. She tires herself to death.
As Leslie is resting in one of the benches, she feels again that someone is watching her. She attempts to find who that stalker is.
“I’m really irritated!” Leslie utters.
As she looks at one of the al fresco restaurants, she suddenly hears a camera click sound.
“Yah! Why did you took my pic?!” Leslie angrily asks the man. But the man hurriedly run away from her.
“That’s weird..”
Night comes. Leslie is watching the parade of Disney characters. After the parade, she went back to her hotel.
Chapter 6.
Andy is in his hotel room. He looks at the planner that he got at the airport. He then remembers the incident in the airport wherein his planner got exchanged.
“Andy. You’re such a fool! But you gave Leslie her birthday gift.” Andy smiled at this instance.
He looks at the pictures of Leslie he took a while ago in his digital camera. His admiration for her grows even more at this very instance.
He lay in his bed thinking all the things he had done that day. He felt pain deep down his heart because he had lied to her. He lied who he really was.
That day, while he is stalking Leslie at Disneyland, he felt the urge to go straight to her and tell her that he is Andrew. But he doesn’t have the courage to do it. He is afraid that she will reject her. But during that time, he really wanted to be with her.
Andy closes his eyes and tries to shoo all the negative thoughts that is lurking in his mind.
Chapter 7.
Back in Seoul, Andy is busy uploading Leslie’s pictures to his computer when suddenly Leslie sent her a message.
Leslie: Andrew… I missed you.. I know it’s been a while..
Andrew: It’s alright did you enjoy your trip?
Leslie: Surely! I had so much fun… But I didn’t get a chance to bump with Andy.. sad.gif
Andrew: Hahahahahaha! Really? That’s too bad. Maybe you will some other time.
Leslie: Maybe… hmmm.. Andrew, can I ask something?
Andrew: Sure, what is it?
Leslie: What is your job. I mean… what do you do for a living?
Andrew: Me… I’m a researcher. Actually I work at Andy Lee’s company. You Leslie, what’s your job?
“Lie again… but not totally…”
Leslie: REALLY?! So you get to see Andy daily?
Leslie: I work at our advertising firm and sometimes I work as a photographer.
Andrew: Yes…
Andrew: sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif
Leslie: Why are you sad?
Andrew: Because you always think of Andy…
Leslie: I’m so sorry…
Andrew: I have something to tell you…
Leslie: What is it?
Andrew: I’m…..
“Should I tell her already… Should I tell her that I’m Andy?”
Leslie: what?
Andrew: Nothing…. Good night Leslie.. I feel sleepy now.. Good night… uhm… I love you… *Kisses Leslie’s cheek*
Leslie: Good night too Andrew.. Sweet dreams. *Kisses Andrew’s cheek*
Andy logged off and lies to his bed thinking if he had done the right thing.
Chapter 8 .
Three years have passed. Andy and Leslie’s online relationship grows much more. They send gifts to each other every holidays and in Leslie’s birthday, Andy gave her a silver necklace with a heart pendant. Leslie’s friends thinks that it is weird to have a boyfriend online. Her parents does not disagree, as long as she is happy.
One day, Leslie and her friends Rachelle and Angelie are in a meeting.
“Who knows ND Entertainment?” Leslie’s dad asks.
No one answered. Leslie and her friends began chatting with each other.
“Isn’t that Andy Lee’s company?” Rachelle asks Leslie and Angelie.
“Yup. That’s Andy’s company. But why did Boss suddenly asks us that?” Angelie puzzlingly asks.
“Dad, ND Entertainment is a Korean company. Are we getting Korean clients too?” Leslie asks although not sure what her dad is going to answer.
“Yes. It is a Korean Company. They want us to do the promotions for Andy Lee’s album and at the same time they want us to shoot his album cover.”
“Dad, are you sure?!”
“Yes, I’m sure of it. And they even want you to be the photographer.”
Leslie is surprised upon hearing the news.
“I’m finally going to see Andy and Andrew in person”
“Boss, can we come too?” Rachelle asks.
“We want to come too.” Angelie charmingly said.
“Ok. You two can come also. By the way, your flight is next week. I’ll ask the secretary to get your visas ready.”
“Thank you!” Angelie and Rachelle happily said together.
Mr. Manuel then left the three alone in the conference room.
Leslie, meanwhile, is still in a daze. She can’t believe that she’s going to see Andy in person. And maybe, even Andrew too. She is just excited.
“We’re going to see Andy in person!!!” Angelie said while jumping like a crazy fan girl.
“We’ve been waiting for this thing to happen for many years!” Rachelle exclaimed. “I can’t wait to go to Seoul!”
“Me too… I can’t wait” Leslie said, still in a daze.
Chapter 9.
Leslie logs on to her computer. She is too excited to tell Andrew that she is going to Seoul.
Leslie: ANDREW!!!!!!!!!! *hugs Andrew*
Andrew: What is it? You look too excited.
Leslie: I’m going to Seoul!
Andrew: Really? When?
Leslie: Next week. I’ll be Andy Lee’s photographer. Can you believe it?!
Andrew: I’m so happy for you…
Leslie: uhm… Andrew.. I have a favor to ask…
Andrew: What is it?
Leslie: hmmmm… I want us to meet when I get to Seoul.
Andy suddenly became afraid. “She want us to meet. What to do? What to do?”
Andrew: You want us to meet?
Leslie: yes.. and I think it’s time for us to meet.
Andrew: Are you sure?
Leslie: yes…
Andrew: Ok then… give me your cellphone number so I can contact you when you get to Seoul.
Leslie then gave Andy her cellphone number.
Andrew: See you next week then.
Leslie: Yes.. see you… I love you!
Andrew: I love you too…
Leslie logs off. She jumps on her bed like a little girl that is excited for a field trip.
“I’m going to see Andy and Andrew!! I cant' wait!!”
Chapter 10.
Leslie, Angelie, and Rachelle finally arrived in Seoul.
“We’ll finally see Andy.” Angelie excitedly said.
“Will Andy looks good in person too?” Rachelle asks.
“Maybe…” Leslie replied. “But I’m much more excited in seeing Andrew.”
“Yah, Leslie. You’re going to see Andrew here, right?”
“Yes… I’m so excited!!” Leslie replied.
As the three friends are waiting for a cab outside the airport, a man suddenly approach them.
“Are you Ms. Leslie Manuel?” the man said in a haltingly English.
“Yes.” Leslie answered.
“Mr. Andrew Kim wants me to bring you to your hotel.”
Leslie’s friends were stunned on what is happening. They can’t believe what they are witnessing.
At that very moment, Leslie’s cellphone began to ring.
“Hello?” Leslie answered.
“Hi Leslie. It’s me Andrew. Did the driver that I hired is already there in the airport?”
“Uhm.. yes. He’s already here.”
“Great. Go with him. He’ll take you to the hotel I reserved for you guys.”
“Thank you Andrew.”
“You’re welcome”
Leslie then hanged up the phone.
The driver drove them to a five-star hotel. The girls are in such awe that they forgot to say thank you to the driver.
The three girls then go to their room. The room was so plushy, the girls think that they were princesses.
“Leslie, Andrew must be really rich” Rachelle asks Leslie.
“Your right Rachelle. He’s a good catch Leslie. Or maybe he's a DOM. hahahaha!” Angelie teasingly said to Leslie.
Leslie just replied her friends with a smile. She too can’t believe what she is experiencing right now.
Leslie calls Andy.
“Hello? Andrew?”
“Yes Leslie, do you have problems?”
“Nothing. I just want to say thank you.”
“You’re welcome. So, when do you want us to meet?”
“Hmmm… how about now?”
“Okay.. Let’s meet at the park near the hotel, is that alright with you?”
“Sure. I’ll bring my teddy bear so you can easily recognize me.”
“Okay then.. let’s meet after 30 minutes…”
“Bye Andrew.”
After hanging up the phone, Leslie becomes anxious.
“Guys do I look good? Do I look beautiful?”
“Relax” Rachelle comfortingly said. “your beautiful.”
“You just need a little retouch” Angelie said.
Rachelle and Angelie fixes Leslie’s hair and retouches her make up.
“You’re beautiful!” the two happily said to Leslie with smiles on their faces.
Leslie then responded them with a smile then proceeded to the park nearby.
The park is quiet with only a few people strolling around. Leslie sat at one of the benches under the tree.
“How will Andrew look like…?”
As Leslie is busy looking to people strolling along the park, she heard a man’s voice calling her name.
Leslie turns around to look who is calling her name. But as luck has it, her teddy bear fell down. She tries to reach for it but the man already gets the teddy bear.
“Thank you.” Leslie said. As she looks who the man is, she is surprised that the man that picked up her teddy bear, the man that called her name is Andy Lee.
Leslie felt her whole body become numb. She feel soft like a jelly crushing into tiny pieces.
“Are you okay?” Andy concernly asks.
“Yup.. I just need time to think…”
“I know it’s hard for you. I know I lied… But I just couldn’t tell you that I’m Andy. I’m afraid that you will be like the other girls out there.”
“But you still lied to me..”
“I know and I’m so sorry about that. Actually, I have something to show you.”
Andy then takes out his laptop computer then show Leslie her pictures. Random stolen pictures of Leslie. Picture of her eating, doing her shopping and even strolling around Disneyland.
“You’re that guy that keeps on following me in Hong Kong?”
“Uhmm.. yeah! I’m so sorry… I hope you can still forgive me. And I’m the guy who bumps you in the airport.”
“So you are the one who stole my planner?? I need to think about that..”
“I’ll wait for it…”
By that time, they were getting closer and closer to each other.
“Leslie, my heart is burning for you….” Andy passionately said to Leslie to which Leslie responds with a burst of laughing.
“I’ve heard that line before. It’s Eric’s line in Phoenix… copycat”
“Can I kiss you now Leslie?”
“Hmmm… ok…” Leslie answered.
Andy holds Leslie’s face with both of his hand and kisses her passionately. After he kissed her, he then hugs her.
“I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time now…”
“Hahahaha.. really?!”
“Yup! From the day I first saw you in the concert three years ago to this day…”
“So you set this all up? This whole promotional slash album photo shoot thing?”
“Yes… But I do really want you to shoot my album cover.”
“Is that true?”
Andy smiled… “It’s true.”
“From now on… no more lies ok…”
“Yes my lady!” Andy enthusiastically answered.
“I love you Andy..”
“I love you too Leslie”
Then they kissed again.
At the day of the photo shoot. Rachelle and Angelie asks Leslie how did her meeting with Andrew go.
“Is he handsome?” inquires Angelie.
“Is he like our Andy?” Rachelle giddily asks..
“He is handsome and he looks like our Andy.” Leslie happily answered.
“So, when can we meet Andrew?” Angelie asks.
“Now?” Leslie quickly responds.
“What do you mean by now?” Angelie asks.
Andy overhears the three girls conversation. He then goes to them.
“Because I’m Andrew.” Andy steps up in their conversation.
Rachelle and Angelie was stunned. As if they saw an apparition. They can’t believe what is happening.
“Hi Rachelle and Angelie. It's nice to meet you finally.” Andy smiled at them.