Monday, November 23, 2009


ok.. so this is not good.. I just read an article in allkpop about Tablo's brother criticizing the infinity challenge ep. in NY.. and the thing that I most hate is putting down the name of our country.. so what if we are a least developed country? we speak english very well that's why YOUR country men are going into OUR country to study english!


Yes, I get his point. But he's not just insulting his own race but even our own beloved country. Koreans are coming here to study English. And yes, sometimes all they do is go out and have some fun, sing at a norebang. But some of them are trying hard to learn English because they know that they need it for their future. So why bash Mr. Lee Sun Min? Can't you be a little nicer?

1 comment:

stampychan said...

Hinay-hinay lang Carmi, puso mo... XD